Becoming a licensed tradesperson is unavoidable when it comes to working in the building and construction industry.
The federal and state government in Australia impose a strict law on licensing in the trade industry and if not complied may incur hefty fines and even prison time in the process
We have compiled a list of step-by-step instructions for you to follow that will help you understand the process. The first step to achieving your licence is to provide relevant experience. Acquiring a nationally recognised qualification through an RTO is the first step to a rewarding career. We’re excited to let you know that we will get you licensed, you will find success.
Relevant qualification needed for license application. No qualification? RPL process through partnered RTOs uses industry experience for qualification.
After qualification, assess skills and work experience in industry. Mandatory experience for building and specialties. We guide portfolio creation with evidence collection.
Trade license application requires various documents: insurance, trade and license history, criminal records. Educube ensures thorough verification of each stage before final application.
Prepare to submit application to relevant state authority. Each state may differ in submission method (electronic, post, in-person). We guide on best approach before trade license application lodgement.
The criteria for obtaining a license vary based on the state or territory in which you wish to work and the trade for which you wish to be licensed.
When you weigh out the number of benefits against the cost of RPL, you’ll definitely realize that the cost of RPL is reasonably a cheap price to pay. Besides, Educube provides the cheapest price with the highest quality certificates.
With relevant experience, anyone is suitable to get a Recognition of Prior Learning. But to be absolutely sure, contact us via 1800 961 555
If you work with us, we will make sure you get certified fast. Absolutely faster than anyone on the else on the planet. Educube literally provides the most rapid certification within four weeks.
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