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Diploma of Remedial Massage




Become a skilled remedial massage therapist with our Diploma of Remedial Massage. This qualification prepares you to assist clients with soft tissue problems, musculoskeletal imbalances, and restrictions in range of motion. Study In Pty Ltd provides online qualification courses to help you become proficient in remedial massage therapy.

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Qualification Overview

Qualification Code:


Qualification Name:

Diploma of Remedial Massage


Classroom – Study | Online | RPL | Credit Transfer

Offered By

This certification mirrors the part of remedial massage therapy counselors who assist customers introducing with smooth tissue problems, musculoskeletal imbalance or restrictions in the range of motion (ROM). Professionals may be self-employed or work in a bigger health service.

How STUDYIN can help You?

STUDY IN can help you to find the right institution based on your requirements. We can help you to prepare your application for Enrolment – Admission – Credit Transfer – RPL – Upskills/Upgrade Book an online appointment to discuss further.

Why Study the HLT52021 – Diploma of Remedial Massage?

This program is designed to provide you with real-world skills and relevant knowledge, ensuring you meet industry benchmarks and excel in your career. Developed by industry specialists and endorsed by sector bodies, HLT52021 equips you with the practical expertise needed to hit the ground running in organizations of all sizes. By completing this program, you’ll gain the necessary skills to make an immediate impact and embrace diverse perspectives in your practice. In today’s competitive job market, experience alone is no longer sufficient to stand out. Employers seek evidence of professional proficiency through current formal qualifications. The HLT52021 – Diploma of Remedial Massage showcases your dedication to staying at the forefront of the industry and meeting the evolving needs of the customers.
This course covers a variety of topics including customer assessment, remedial massage therapy, physiology and anatomy, injury reduction and management, and running your own therapeutic massage business.
You should give a scope of proof to help your assessor to settle on a choice about your capability if you applying for RPL. The sorts of proof you might be approached to give can include: Proof of abroad capabilities.
  •  Transcripts or evaluations from related past capabilities.
  • Apprenticeship papers.
  • ID Resume Payslips/work contract/ABN if independently employed Letter of Employment Current business contracts Letters of reference.
  • Recordings or photographs of your work.
  • Statements/solicitations and stock requests Temperature sheets
  • Booking sheets/appointmemt setting sheets
  • Cleaning plans Kitchen station task list OHS necessities Approaches and methodology Nourishment administration wellbeing structures
  • Preparation sheets
  • Menus and plans etc asked or required by the RTO
If you want to STUDY then enrolment documentation checklist needs to be completed. Documents such as ID, Academic Documents, Resume or any other documents asked by the RTO/College must be submitted. You can submit directly or provide to STUDYIN to submit on your behalf to complete your enrolment if you decide to parsue.
For a student, it is crucial to know the occupation he/she will eligible once finish a qualification successfully. If you complete this qualification, you will able to work with this role.
  • Remedial Therapist
  • Remedial Massage Therapist
  • Remedial Massage Therapy Practitioner
21 units must be completed:
  • 18 core units
  • 3 elective units from the electives listed below.
All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.
Core units
BSBESB401 Research and develop business plans
CHCCOM006 Establish and manage client relationships
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice
CHCPRP005 Engage with health professionals and the health system
HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status
HLTAAP003 Analyse and respond to client health information
HLTINF004 Manage the prevention and control of infection
HLTMSG009 Develop massage practice
HLTMSG010 Assess client massage needs
HLTMSG011 Provide massage treatments
HLTMSG013 Perform remedial massage musculoskeletal assessments
HLTMSG014 Provide remedial massage treatments
HLTMSG015 Adapt massage treatments to meet specific needs
HLTMSG016 Apply principles of pain neuroscience
HLTMSG017 Apply remedial massage clinical practice
HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety
Elective units
BSBESB404 Market new business ventures
BSBESB406 Establish operational strategies and procedures for new business ventures
BSBESB407 Manage finances for new business ventures
CHCCCS001 Address the needs of people with chronic disease
CHCCCS037 Visit client residence
CHCCCS038 Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support
CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
HLTHPS010 Interpret and use information about nutrition and diet
HLTMSG018 Adapt massage practice for athletes
HLTREF002 Provide reflexology for relaxation
SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms
SISXCAI009 Instruct strength and conditioning techniques
SISXCAI010 Develop strength and conditioning programs

HLT52021 - Diploma of Remedial Massage (Release 1)

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RPL Eligibility Checklist - 2025