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Diploma of Youth Work




The CHC50413 Diploma of Youth Work, offered by Study In Pty Ltd, is the preferred industry certification for the youth services sector in Australia. This diploma equips you with the skills to support young individuals in realizing their potential and making positive contributions to society.

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Qualification Overview

Qualification Code:


Qualification Name:

Diploma of Youth Work


Classroom – Study | Online | RPL | Credit Transfer

Offered By

The Diploma Youth Work is the most preferred industry certification for your youth services sector around Australia. Youth workers are enthusiastic about supporting young members of society obtain their potential. You can achieve this qualification with the help of Study In Pty Ltd for an excellent experience.

How STUDYIN can help You?

STUDY IN can help you to find the right institution based on your requirements. We can help you to prepare your application for Enrolment – Admission – Credit Transfer – RPL – Upskills/Upgrade Book an online appointment to discuss further.

Why study the CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work?

CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work is focused on the real world, relevant global contexts. Going through the program will give the required skills you can use immediately and encourages you to think diversely. This CHC50421 has become developed by industry specialists and endorsed by sector bodies and can be sure you have the practical knowledge to ‘hit the ground running’ in modest, medium or big organisations across the industry. Experience alone is no longer efficient; potential employers are looking for evidence of professional proficiency via a current formal qualification.
Throughout the Diploma of Youth Work you’ll figure out how to deal with diversified group of young people. Skills in case management and program and activity planning can be a focused on this course.
You should give a scope of proof to help your assessor to settle on a choice about your capability if you applying for RPL. The sorts of proof you might be approached to give can include: Proof of abroad capabilities.
  •  Transcripts or evaluations from related past capabilities.
  • Apprenticeship papers.
  • ID Resume Payslips/work contract/ABN if independently employed Letter of Employment Current business contracts Letters of reference.
  • Recordings or photographs of your work.
  • Statements/solicitations and stock requests Temperature sheets
  • Booking sheets/appointmemt setting sheets
  • Cleaning plans Kitchen station task list OHS necessities Approaches and methodology Nourishment administration wellbeing structures
  • Preparation sheets
  • Menus and plans etc asked or required by the RTO
If you want to STUDY then enrolment documentation checklist needs to be completed. Documents such as ID, Academic Documents, Resume or any other documents asked by the RTO/College must be submitted. You can submit directly or provide to STUDYIN to submit on your behalf to complete your enrolment if you decide to parsue.
For a student, it is crucial to know the occupation he/she will eligible once finish a qualification successfully. If you complete this qualification, you will able to work with this role.
  • Program Manager
  • Senior Case Worker
  • Senior Youth Worker
  • Youth Team Leader
  • Case Manager
  • Coordinator youth and family services
  • Coordinator youth services
21 units must be completed:
  • 16 core units
  • 5 elective units, consisting of:
  • at least 1 unit from Group A below
  • plus at least 2 units from Group A or Group B below
  • up to 2 units from the electives listed below, or any endorsed Training Package or accredited course.
All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.
Core Units
CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships
CHCCSM013 Facilitate and review case management
CHCDEV005 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
CHCGRP002 Plan and conduct group activities
CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
CHCPRT025 Identify and report children and young people at risk
CHCYTH013 Engage respectfully with young people
CHCYTH014 Work effectively with young people in the youth work context
CHCYTH021 Support youth programs
CHCYTH024 Manage service response to young people in crisis
HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
Elective Units
Group A: Practice Electives
CHCPRT034 Work with children and young people with complex trauma and attachment issues and needs
CHCYTH017 Develop and implement procedures to enable young people to address their needs
CHCYTH022 Provide services for the needs and circumstances of young people
Group B: General Electives
CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
CHCCCS016 Respond to client needs
CHCCCS037 Visit client residence
CHCCDE024 Support community action
CHCCDE025 Develop and support community leadership
CHCCDE028 Work within organisation and government structures to enable community development outcomes
CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCEDU004 Develop, implement and review sexual and reproductive health education programs
CHCPOL002 Develop and implement policy
CHCVOL003 Recruit, induct and support volunteers
CHCYTH018 Work with young people to establish support networks
CHCYTH019 Undertake youth work in specific communities
CHCYTH020 Support young people to take collective action

CHC50421 - Diploma of Youth Work (Release 1)

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